Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek Itinerary

Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek Itinerary

Kanchenjunga base camp trek itinerary
Kumbhakarna/Janu Himal7,710m from Mirgin La Pass

We design Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek Itinerary according to your holiday time in Nepal. And as per your request. There are two base camps for Mt.Kanchenjunga 8,586m. Kanchenjunga North Base Camp (Pangpema) 5,140m. It is famous and best to enjoy seeing the Kanchenjunga North Face, Yalung Kang 8,505m (known as Kanchenjunga West), and many other beautiful mountain peaks. 

Kanchenjunga South Base Camp (Okhtang)4,810m. It is popular for enjoying seeing the Kanchenjunga south face. Kanchenjunga's south side is more beautiful than the north side. it is the best place to see the five peaks of the Mount Kanchenjunga range Kanchenjunga Main 8,586m, Kanchenjunga West 8,505m, Kanchenjunga Central 8,482m, Kanchenjunga South 8,494m, Khambachen Peak 7,903m as well as beautiful scenery of Rathong Peak, Kabru range and many more.
Trekking Blog Nepal
on the way to Kanchenjunga south base camp

If you have enough time better visit both base camps of Mt.Kanchenjunga. If you don't have enough time and seek Kanchenjunga Short Trek. Kanchenjunga North Base Camp Trek and Kanchenjunga South Base Camp Trek are best for your short holiday in Kanchenjunga Trek. we will make the best and most suitable Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek Itinerary.

Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek Itinerary

Day 01, Arrival in Kathmandu airport 1335m and transfer to hotel.
Day 02, your free day of Sightseeing in Kathmandu, This day is required to make a Kanchenjunga circuit trek Special permit with your original passport.
Day 03, Flight from Kathmandu to Bhadrapur then drive to Ilam bazaar.
Day 04, Drive to Taplejung and trek to Mithlung 890m, stay at tea house.
Day 05, Trek to Tapethok 1322m, stay at tea house.
Day 06, Trek to Amjilasa 2498m, stay at tea house.
Day 07, Trek to Ghunsa village 3415m, (half-day rest)
Day 08, Trek to Khambachen 4146m, stay at tea house. Beautiful views of Ghabur Peak 6305m, Pholesobi Peak 6652m, and Janu Himal 7710m (Kumbhakarna)
Day 9, Trek to Lhonak 4795m, stay at tea house.
Day 10, Hiking to Pangpema 5165m (Kanchenjunga north base camp) enjoying great views of Mt.Kanchenjunga 8586m, Yalung Kang 8505m (Kanchenjunga west) and beautiful Himalayan panorama, Kanchenjunga glacier, Blue sheep, etc. and trek back to Lhonak 4795, stay at tea house.
Day 11, Trek back to Ghunsa village 3415m, stay at tea house.
Day 12, Rest day and visit Ghunsa village.
Day 13, Trek to Selele la camp 4200m, view of Mt.Makalu 8463m, stay at tea house.
Day 14, Trek to Cheram 3870m, via Mirgin la pass 4800m (Best view of Janu Himal, Mt.Makalu, and Bharuntse Himal from the margin la top), Views of Rathong peak, Kabru Himalayan range, and Kanchenjunga south from the Sinelapche la 4650m
Day 15, Trek to Ramche 4610m, stay at tea house.
Day 16, Hiking to Okhtang 4810m (Kanchenjunga South Base Camp) enjoying great views of Mt.Kanchenjunga Himalayan range, Khambachen peak, Kabru Himalayan range and Rathong peak, Yalung glacier, Glacial lakes, wildlife Blue sheep, etc. trek back to Cheram, stay at tea house.
Day 17, Trek to Yamphuding (Sherpa gaon), stay at tea house
Day 18, Trek to Khebang1860m, stay at tea house.
Day 19, Drive to Kanyam, stay at tea house
Day 20, Drive to Bhadrapur then fly to Kathmandu and transfer to the hotel
Day 21, Your final departure.

Note: - The above-given Itinerary is rough so it is possible to change and modify it. we design Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Itinerary according to your holiday time in Nepal.


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